Q&A With Legislative Branch Staff - Get to Know Brianna Boyd


1. What is your title and duties with Mille Lacs Band Legislative Branch?

My title is Legislative Affairs Director. The Legislative Affairs Director is to manage, evaluate, plan and implement the activities of the Legislative Office; including DMV Deputy Registrar, Parliamentarian/Band Assembly Clerk, Staff Attorney I, Staff Attorney II, Revisor of Statutes, Legislative Coordinator, Office Assistant, and Receptionist. I am considered "Second in Command,” right under the Secretary-Treasurer.

2. What does working in Legislative mean to you and what do you value most about your engagement with Legislative Branch and Band members?

Working in a branch of government that has the ability to shape the way the Band government will look for generations to come is very rewarding. We would not be able to do the things we do without the staff of the Legislative Branch. Everyone serves a special purpose in enriching the lives of Band members. We encourage Band members to engage in the different topics we are working on. Your opinion matters and we would love to hear it.

3. What motivates you in working in the Legislative Branch?

Working in the Legislative Branch around powerful leaders I see how positive attitudes can bring forth positive change. The leaders of today are shaping the leaders of tomorrow and that is incredibly powerful. They are constantly looking at updating laws in order to give Band members and employees the best possible and up-to-date resources for success.

4. What is something significant that you are proud of accomplishing with the Legislative Branch?

When I look back and think about all the different projects the Legislative Branch has accomplished, I think that live streaming is one of the biggest. Band members are able to watch, in real time, the law-making process. They are able to watch it from anywhere and can go back and rewatch different meetings if they choose. I think that it is important for Band members to see the business that is being conducted. I also think that the tribal register is a big accomplishment. Having the ability to look up all governing documents is critical for the operations of the entire Mille Lacs Band to run smoothly.

5. How would you describe the Legislative Branch to a Band member that may not know about the branch?

I would describe the Legislative Branch to a Band member as the “law-making” body. They also have the responsibility to confirm or deny various appointed official positions.

6. Is there anything else you would like to share with Band members about you or the Legislative Branch?

Working in Legislative has been one of my biggest accomplishments to date. I have worked in this office since 2018. During this time, I obtained two degrees and am on my way to starting my third. I am truly grateful for the last four years and I cannot wait to see what the next four bring. Please do not hesitate to reach out to any one of us in Legislative if you have any questions or concerns. Remember, your opinion matters and we value any input from Band members.


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